West Coast Prenup is a boutique Los Angeles-based family law firm providing legal services throughout the state of California. At West Coast Prenup we are focused exclusively on drafting, reviewing, consulting, and all other aspects relating to pre and post-marital agreements. West Coast Prenup is dedicated to providing the highest level of customer service while delivering an outstanding product tailored to your individual needs. Each client is unique, and so are their needs, and that is why your attorney will work closely with you to make sure you get exactly what you are looking for. Even though all services at West Coast Prenup are flat-fee, there is no limit on the time your attorney will spend making sure you get exactly what you want from your experience with West Coast Prenup. Please use the form below to contact us directly if you have a question about a particular service and for more information about our flat-fee prices.



Premarital and postmarital agreements (prenups and postnups) are very important documents - maybe the most important contract you will ever sign. A solid, binding, personally-tailored prenup will allow you to enter into your marriage with security and peace of mind - think of it like insurance for your marriage - while a postnup can be an important tool to classify assets after you are already married to remove uncertainty about the future of those assets. At West Coast Prenup we firmly believe that prenuptial and postnuptial agreements are about love, not separation. There is no greater testament of love than making sure you enter into your new marriage with transparency, peace of mind, and the security of knowing that no matter what happens you and your future spouse will be protected.

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At West Coast Prenup we have built our entire practice around providing the absolute best prenup and postnuptial agreements you can get in California. We stay up to date on the latest California laws and requirements to ensure that you get the most binding and enforceable agreement possible. At West Coast Prenup you will work directly with your attorney the entire time - not an associate, paralegal, or secretary.  Our firm is wholly and completely dedicated to being the absolute best in the field of premarital agreements, and will provide you with the highest level of legal services available. Our flat-fee pricing makes the entire process seamless and reliable from start to finish. You pay once, and that is it, no matter how long it takes to get the job done. West Coast Prenup is here to help, so contact us today for a free consultation!